Monday 16 November 2009

On the second day of our holiday in the Lake District, we went to Beatrix Potter's house on Hill Top. It was a delightful cottage, and Beatrix Potter's books were dotted around the house so that one could see how she used various images in her house in her illustrations. Georgie enjoyed seeing all the different illustrations in her books.

Georgiana had fun on Halloween! She dressed up like a pumpkin, and went trick or treating with all her sisters and brother. Tim carved a pumpkin especially for her, in the shape of a ghost, a picture of which I've included here.

Georgiana is loving her first year of school! She has just started taking home reading books. She also has a word tin, in which she is given a few new words each week, to practice making into sentences. At our parent teacher conference, Georgie's teacher seemed really impressed with her progress, especially her math, believe it or not! She's also coping well with her school schedule. She isn't too tired anymore after school, which means she doesn't have as many temper tantrums as she used to! This morning she and Samuel decided to 'job-share' by helping each other do their jobs, so that instead of doing one job each by themselves, they did their individual jobs together. It was very sweet ...
Georgie has to wait around alot for her older sisters at their various lessons. She doesn't seem to mind, though! Here she is with Eleanor, waiting for Abigail, Imogen and Samuel to finish their horseriding lesson.
At half term, which was October 24-31, we all went as a family to the Lake District. On one day we went to Grassmere, and did a three mile hike up to Silver How. Georgiana made it to the top of a very steep fell, with no complaining whatsosever!

Monday 5 October 2009

24 July 2005

Georgiana will be four months old in three days. She only weighs 12 ½ pounds, and feeds very often. She rolled over for the first time last Saturday, 16 July 2005. She was started on solids this week. I started her on carrots and potatoes, in an effort to stave off the development of a sweet tooth, even though I find it very hard not to give fruit purees. She doesn’t seem to mind solids, although she’s only had very small amounts.

Georgiana is a smiler! She has a cutest smile and she uses it all the time. Everyone comments on how smiley she is. She really is a gorgeous, happy, smiley baby … who loves to be held by her mommy! If I’m holding her, she’s OK. If not, it is increasingly likely that she is crying.

October 5, 2009

Georgiana started school last month! She has Mrs. Nichols for her Reception teacher. Georgie has settled into school really well and enjoys going. She's also really responsible every morning - she gets herself dressed, with the clothes that she has laid out the night before, puts away her pajamas, makes her bed, and most of the time remembers to tidy her room. Then she comes downstairs and - most mornings - cheerfully does a job, such as emptying the dishwasher or setting the table or folding clothes. One morning she even sorted through my laundry and put it into darks, lights and whites. Tim has been gone during the week for the past five weeks, and he left the children with instructions to help me around the house, so Georgie has taken it upon herself to help me with the dishes after dinner. As she sees everyone finishing their dinner, she'll say, 'I want to wash up, I want to wash up.' And she'll park herself in front of the sink, fill the sink up with freezing cold water, and try to rinse dishes to put into the dishwasher. Above are some pictures of her in the outfit which she wore on the first day of school. It's a french pinafore that I couldn't resist buying - she looks like a little Parisian girl from the 1940's!